
The product component is a server side component written in HTL, allowing to display product details. The product details are retrieved from Adobe Commerce via GraphQL using the product identifier provided in the URL suffix.

Note that when a suffix is set, this example page always displays the same product data based on some sample data. Try different options:

In addition, the example showing a bundle product includes a small React application that is activated when clicking on the "Customize" button. It is used to fetch the bundle options with a client-side GraphQL request and to calculcate and prepare the product data for the cart when selecting the options of the bundle product.



The component, simply displaying placeholder data.

Sprite Yoga Companion Kit

From $61.00 To $77.00

Product Description

A well-rounded yoga workout takes more than a mat. The Sprite Yoga Companion Kit helps stock your studio with the basics you need for a full-range workout. The kit is composed of four best-selling Luma Sprite accessories in one easy bundle: statis ball, foam block, yoga strap, and foam roller. Choose sizes and colors and leave the rest to us. The kit includes:

  • Sprite Statis Ball
  • Sprite Foam Yoga Brick
  • Sprite Yoga Strap
  • Sprite Foam Roller


  1. loadClientPrice: true
  2. sling:resourceType: cif-components-examples/components/product


Sprite Yoga Companion Kit

From $61.00 To $77.00

Product Description

A well-rounded yoga workout takes more than a mat. The Sprite Yoga Companion Kit helps stock your studio with the basics you need for a full-range workout. The kit is composed of four best-selling Luma Sprite accessories in one easy bundle: statis ball, foam block, yoga strap, and foam roller. Choose sizes and colors and leave the rest to us. The kit includes:

  • Sprite Statis Ball
  • Sprite Foam Yoga Brick
  • Sprite Yoga Strap
  • Sprite Foam Roller



In addition to the product component, this demonstrates the breadcrumb component displaying page content and commerce data up to the product page.

  1. startLevel: 2
  2. sling:resourceType: cif-components-examples/components/breadcrumb
  3. structureDepth: 2

In addition to the product component, this demonstrates the commerce experience fragment component displaying its content dynamically based on both the "fragmentLocation" property and the SKU of the product currently being displayed. This is empty unless the product SKU matches MH01.

  1. fragmentLocation: bottom
  2. sling:resourceType: cif-components-examples/components/experiencefragment


In addition to the product component, this demonstrates the Commerce Content Fragment component displaying its content dynamically based on the "modePath" property and the SKU of the product currently being displayed. This is empty unless the product SKU matches MH01.

  1. modelPath: /conf/core-components-examples/settings/dam/cfm/models/product-specs
  2. elementNames: productSpecs
  3. linkElement: productSku
  4. sling:resourceType: cif-components-examples/components/contentfragment
  5. displayMode: multi